Dear friends of Sent(a)Mental Studios
and the Denver Zine Library,
Pull out your calendars and grab a pen!
This is an event you won’t want to miss!
4th Annual Silent Auction to benefit the
Denver Zine Library and Sent(a)Mental Studios
Monday, November 8, 2010 from 7-9pm
27 Social Centre: 2727 West 27th Avenue, Denver
(entrance around right side of building)
Art, zines, live music, mind-blowing auction items and
super awesome special guests!
The list of auction items and donors will be available at www.denverzinelibrary.org and will be updated as they come in. We’re still accepting donations, so contact Kelly at [email protected] with your items and ideas!
The Denver Zine Library is a non-profit, volunteer run, lending library located inside the 27 Social Centre. Founded in December 2003, our library consists of over 9,000 zines cataloged and available for loan to the public. We hold open hours on Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5 pm and by appointment. More info available at www.denverzinelibrary.org.
Sent(a)Mental Studios houses three projects: The Sent(a)Mental Project is a collection of creative works about, by, or for individuals or groups affected by suicide. The Youth Project facilitates the reclaiming of creative voices in a safe and supportive environment for Denver-area youth. Mental (St)ealth is a collection of creative works by psychiatric survivors. Open studio hours are Wednesday 1-4 and Saturday 12-5 as well as holding a variety of suicide prevention classes running throughout the week. More info available at www.sentamentalstudios.com.
Please spread the word and
we’ll see you on November 8th!
Dylan Scholinski at Sent(a)Mental Studios
and The Denver Zine Librarians
Ps. if you cannot make it to the event please consider sending donations or gift cards to -
Sent(a)Mental Studios
PO Box 2537
Denver, CO 80201
with Auction in an attached note