an ongoing collection of
sent(a)mental studios - youth project.
This collection began at the 2nd Annual Queer Youth Summit this year in Denver CO. Sent(a)Mental Studios was there providing a day long open-studio environment. The theme this year was "lead with your heart" partially due to the timing being so close to Valentines Day. I began by thinking about how when i was in grade school the goal was really all about collecting as many valentines as I could... definitely more about quantity than quality. This led to my thoughts around how if we are truly to lead with our hearts - perhaps it should start with our own - and so this collection was born. The idea being to use the image of the heart as a template to fill and show how your heart feels on the inside and to use the space outside of the heart to show what is effecting and influencing it. Each person took it there own way and a variety of work was created. I decided to continue this as an ongoing project in the hopes to collect the expressions of individual hearts and hang them together as the project grows... to show how the heart connects us all.
If you are interested in contributing to this collection just shoot me an email through the contact page on this site and I will send you the page to work from so you can print it out and then you can send it to me.